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Does a site survey confirm the viability of new lighting in and around your existing factory? Or do you want lighting to achieve an optimal yield at your new location? With a design by itsme you undertake a structured effort to achieve the desired or required lighting situation. We design and calculate, differentiate between the function of spaces and take the specific norms into account.

Shine a light on your yield

With our design you can see exactly what you require, what investment you need and what it will yield. Our lighting plan provides a comprehensive overview of all the calculations and lighting levels. It also includes maps, 3D visualisations and a bill of quantities. We offer you optional AutoCAD drawings and 3D rendering and can make the supply of materials commercially attractive from an itsme sales point. Our design also serve as the basis for a specific quote request from installers.

Call one of our experts

itsme provides lighting design for existing and new product locations. Are you interested in a site survey? After a free Skype session with one of our experts you will understand the benefits for your organisation. Contact us for an appointment and we will call you within one business day.

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Second opinion
You want security, also when it concerns the future lighting at your production location. So we’re happy to assess an existing lighting design, regardless of whether it concerns your future investment or the technical specifications of the lighting. After we receive the documentation from you, we assess if it is complete and send you a free offer for a report within one week.
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Lighting Technology
Economical and sustainable lighting helps you save. But where do you start for your product location? What will an investment in new lighting bring you and how quickly will you see a return? Within the enormous range of lighting solutions, it’s nice if you can rely on independent advice. Based on experiences and best practices - exactly the way itsme offers Lighting Technology.
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