A machine manufacturer likes to stay on top of his spare part management. Whether its about predictive maintenance or replacement during a disruption: availability is of the utmost importance. You also expect a price advantage with your smart purchase, although you don’t know for sure if you are getting a specific part for the most competitive terms.
A machine manufacturer likes to stay on top of his spare part management. Whether its about predictive maintenance or replacement during a disruption: availability is of the utmost importance. You also expect a price advantage with your smart purchase, although you don’t know for sure if you are getting a specific part for the most competitive terms.
Get the right information fast
Rely on itsme for the identification of parts. Up to the product and packaging level, we provide goods with all the relevant details, ensuring that you have quick access to the right information. We can also figure out where we can purchase the part that you require as quickly and economically has possible.You might also be interested in this:
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What do you do with defective product? Do you have it repaired or replaced? And whatever you choose: how much does it cost? With our repair service you know exactly where you stand beforehand. We come and collect the product, we assess the defect and offer you a specific proposal with multiple options. Will you have the product repaired? Then we’ll deduct the assessment costs from the final price.
24-7 service
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Down time is the last thing you want to think about. Especially when your production is non-stop. You are undoubtedly dedicated to predictive maintenance, but something can always go wrong. When that happens rely on 24-hour service from itsme. We are always available, switch quickly and keep the impact of down time to a minimum.