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What do you do with defective products? Do you have it repaired or replaced? And whatever you choose: how much does it cost? With our repair service you know exactly where you stand beforehand. We come and collect the product, we assess the defect and offer you a specific proposal with multiple options. Will you have the product repaired? Then we’ll deduct the assessment costs from the final price. 

Repair? We switch out quickly

During the repair of a product, itsme is your single point of contact. The switch-out is fast and ensures that we can constantly update you on the latest state of affairs. Contact us for the repair of a product. We’ll call you within a business day and will send you an offer afterwards.

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24-7 service
Down time is the last thing you want to think about. Especially when your production is non-stop. You are undoubtedly dedicated to predictive maintenance, but something can always go wrong. When that happens rely on 24-hour service from itsme. We are always available, switch quickly and keep the impact of down time to a minimum.
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Technical workplace consulting
Por muy técnicamente avanzada que sea una máquina en su lugar de trabajo, ¿cómo es su entorno? ¿Hay suficiente luz? ¿Tienen usted y sus colegas todo al alcance de la mano? Y otra cosa también importante: ¿tienen suficiente protección? El mejor entorno de trabajo es aquel en el que el/la empleado/a tiene todo lo que necesita. Esto es precisamente lo que le ofrecemos con nuestros servicios de optimización del lugar de trabajo.
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